As I spoke to colleagues in preparation for this article, similar versions of the same question came up a couple of times. “Why are you writing about cannabis, you don’t know anything about it?” It is true – I do not use cannabis and so my knowledge about the specific product is limited to what Read More →

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As is my custom at the end of December, I have been reviewing my goals as well as my outcomes for the year. Since I also have a short attention-span, additionally I have been daydreaming and reviewing past years and decades. Yesterday my teenage son asked me ‘what some of my favorite TV shows were Read More →

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As we are trying to raise awareness and money, we often reach out to businesses and organizations and start ‘at the top.’ It makes sense, doesn’t it? We want to find the decision maker. The person who can make things happen. The ‘top dog.’ Sometimes, however, that is not necessarily the best approach. Let me Read More →

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